
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 5th October 2022

Past Meeting Minutes Uploaded on December 30, 2022

Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council 

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 5th October  2022 at 7.30pm at Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School 

Present – Cllr. David Hall (Chairman), Cllr. Nick Frost (Vice-Chair), Cllr. Clare Paul, Cllr. Peter  Loxston, Cllr. Paul Carpenter, Cllr. Ginine Herridge, Cllr. Nick Pearce, Cllr. Richard Wilkins  (County Councillor), Cllr. Mike Stanton (District and County Councillor) 

In attendance – Kelly de Silva (Clerk) and five members of the public 

  1. Preliminaries 

Chairmans welcome 

Cllr. Hall welcomes the Councillors and members of the public to the meeting with an  explanation of Parish Council meeting etiquette, fire evacuation procedures and domestics.  

Apologies for absence – Cllr. Matthew Miller, Cllr. Ginine Herridge 

Approve and sign minutes of the previous meeting – Cllr. Hall requests one minor  amendment is made to Minute 79. For clarification purposes “Cllr. Hall reports there is no  procedure is place… be amended to Cllr. Hall reports there is no formal way forward at  present… “The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 7th September  2022 were agreed by all to be accurate and signed by the Chairman. 

Declarations of interests and dispensations – Cllr. Carpenter – Minute 10; planning  application 22/02538/TCA 

Questions and comments from the public – A member of the Speedwatch group is  present to offer an update on speeding within the Parish. 

It is reported they recently attended the South Somerset Community Speedwatch quarterly  meeting. At this meeting it was suggested speeding is an issue across the County. Initiatives  are being considered such as automated penalties and ANPR cameras. They report a PCSO, or an Officer has offered support to at least one of the four Speed watches that happen per  month in the Parish. 

There is a Speed Awareness week from 17th – 30th October; it is expected Speedwatch teams  and Police will be focusing on speeding across the County during this period. They inform ANPR trials are being undertaken within the County which records time, speed  and registration number details. They request the PC contact the Avon & Somerset Police  and Crime commissioner to request participating in the trial scheme. 

Once the initial trials are completed, the initiative are considering different speed devices  with costs ranging from £99 – £500. They hope the PC may consider purchase of this  equipment at the appropriate time. 

They report the SID analysis proves there is a speeding issue within the Parish citing the PC,  District and County Councils are all aware of this.  

They wish to recommend the PC support extra signage for ‘No footways’ in areas where  there are no pathways such as from West Lambrook to the School. 

They wish to raise the point that there is a feeling of 35mph in a 30mph area is acceptable – and it is not. It is breaking the law. 

Cllr. Hall thanks the Speedwatch member for their representations. Cllr. Hall informs the  matter of speeding was discussed at the last PC meeting. It was agreed to defer the item  until the Speed Action Group submit their report. The PC re-iterated it is support for  community Speedwatch groups. Cllr. Hall agrees to write to the Police and Crime  Commissioner to obtain more details on the pilot schemes mentioned.

Cllr. Hall comments the no footways signage and signage of this nature would come under  the jurisdiction of Somerset County Council. Cllr. Hall informs considerations should be made that not everybody in a rural Parish welcomes additional signage. 

Cllr. Paul reiterates it has already been stated by the PC that once the Speed Action report is  submitted to the PC, it is imperative that County and District Councillors are present to take  matters forward to District and SCC Highways. It has also been acknowledged any speeding  above the limit is a Police matter. 

Cllr. Frost informs the SID analysis has shown vehicles do exceed 30 mph, but not by a huge  amount – although Cllr. Frost concedes any speeding is illegal – Cllr. Frost states the vehicles  travelling in excess speeds of 50, 60 and 70 mph are the menace, and these are the ones that  could cause a serious accident.  

Cllr. Jefferey informs although there may be opposition for extra signage, an option to  consider would be smart signage – using posts already in place and removing outdated  signage. Cllr. Hall responds without generalisation; signage is a highways and County matter. The Chair of South Petherton PC is present as a resident of the Parish. They inform they have  experienced a personal incident with a speeding vehicle. They report signage is a Highways  issue – but South Petherton could not obtain funding from County to support new signage – South Petherton Parish Council funded this in their Parish. 

A member of the public wishes to mention that in the last minutes it was suggested a  crossing at the Community Centre could be considered. They inform in the past this was  explored but there was not enough footfall to warrant a crossing. They recommend a set of  bollards with a refuge is considered. Cllr. Hall responds the PC resolved to support District  and County Councillors should a crossing be re-visited. 

Cllr. Paul states the crossing considered in the past was based on highways data, policies,  visibility splays – a multitude of factors. Nothing was viable at that time – it may be possible  in the future. 

Cllr. Hall informs this item will be deferred until the Speed Action Group submit their report.  Cllr. Hall recommends the Speedwatch Group and Speed Action Group communicate prior to  presenting the report to the PC. 

A representative of the William and Mary Charity trust is present to offer support to the warm hub initiative discussed at the last PC meeting. They inform it is early days, but they are  making preliminary enquiries to establish if there is a need within the Parish and what  potentially could be best to offer for inclusive provision – should it be required.  Cllr. Hall thanks the representative and requests the PC are kept informed. Cllr. Pearce reports he has informed the amenities committee of the nationwide warm hub  initiative which will be discussed in a future amenities committee meeting. Clerk to send SCF grant information to the W&M trust for warm hub initiatives. 

  1. Planning  

22/02538/TCA Bishops Barn. Dudmoor, Kingsbury Episcopi, Somerset. TA12 6AT Notification of intent to conduct tree surgery works to No1 tree within a conservation area.  Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council agreed no comment to the application. 

  1. District Councillor report and County Councillor report 

Cllr. Wilkins welcomes questions from the SCC Curry Rivel, and Langport Division report  published 01/10/22. 

Cllr. Paul states the report encompasses what is happening in Somerset. Cllr. Paul requests a  brief for what is happening in the Curry Rivel, Langport and Huish area which the PC should  be aware of. Cllr. Wilkins responds he has been working with the active travel group and is  now waiting on a speeding report. There is ongoing work with the hanging chapel in  Langport with Cllr. Stanton working hard with the Somerset Rivers Authority.

  1. PC Meeting location 

Deferred until the next meeting 

  1. Casual Vacancy on the Parish Council / Co-option 

The Clerk reports Cllr. Mac Harris has stood down creating a casual vacancy on the Parish  Council. Due to the national mourning period following the death of Her Majesty Queen  Elizabeth the public notice could not be published until 20th September 2022. It is expected  the Electoral Officer will confirm the PC can commence with the co-option process in mid October with the aim to fill the vacancy at the November meeting. 

Are you passionate about your community? Could you spare a few hours a week for  the benefit if your village? If so, your Parish Council needs you! Please contact the  Clerk for an application form and further details 

  1. Lock up update 

Cllr. Jefferey reports an application to the land registry should be ready to submit in  November. Cllr. Jefferey informs recent publicised events such as the ‘lock in’ and minute  silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II assist to build a case that the lock up is  being used as a community asset.  

Cllr. Carpenter reports the lock up has been suggested as the location for the village  Christmas tree this year. This is currently being investigated as an electrical feed / battery  power or solar power needs to be considered. 

  1. Digital communications / Parish Council Website 

Cllr. James reports that after ongoing conversations with a local design company it was  decided that as a PC website is so technically specific; the local company recommended  using a provider that specialises in PC websites.  

The website company recommended is Netwise. They have worked with over 250 Parish  Councils to build sites that are geared to comply with a Parish Council’s legal duties, GDPR,  WACAG compliance.  

The guide price is a one off set up/build cost of £599 + VAT 

Annual hosting, full support services, software updates £330 +VAT (Annually) domain name registration £20p/a + VAT 

Ongoing costs for subsequent years would be £350p/a for hosting and domain renewal. The Clerk reports this costing is comparable to investigations she had made with other Parish  Councils. The Clerks investigations found initial set up costs would be -/+ £600, with annual  maintenance fees of-/+ £300. 

Cllr. Hall asks for clarification that the original offer to build a website free of charge for the  PC was no longer an option. Cllr. Jefferey responds due to the legalities and compliance required for a PC website – using a recognised provider specialising in PC websites would be  the preferred option to deliver the website with confidence.  

Cllr. Hall states the PC recognise a dedicated PC website is required. Cllr. Hall requests the  Clerk obtain three quotes from PC website providers as per the financial regulations with a  proposed provider being agreed at the next meeting. 

Clerk to obtain three quotes and circulate ahead of the next meeting 

Clerk to add the item to the next agenda 

  1. Devolution of District assets and identifying assets 

The Clerk reports she has been in contact with SSDC regarding two pieces of land that are  currently under the auspices of the District Council. SSDC have informed there is currently no  mechanism for progressing community asset transfers citing requests of this nature have  been placed on hold until after vesting day. This decision was made on the basis that there is  a large amount of LGR work to complete and a declining staff base within the team capable  of managing transactions of this type. The Clerk informs at a recent LCN conference

Bridgwater TC – who have participated in an asset devolution pilot – informed the pilot did  not deliver the expected results. It was suggested at the conference that the Somerset  Unitary Council would be revising framework, policies, and a prospectus by vesting day once  a second round of pilot schemes had happened.  

The Clerk is seeking assurances from SSDC that the identified land within the Parish cannot be sold in the interim. 

Cllr. Hall requests the District and County Councillors feedback the PC’s dissatisfaction of this  situation. Cllr. Stanton responds postponing devolution of assets until after the vesting day is  unavoidable due to the staffing situations. Cllr. Stanton requests to be cc’d into  correspondences to SSDC on the matter to be kept abreast with the situation until the  Unitary authority takes office. 

  1. Location of a commemorative Jubilee tree 

The Clerk requests the Parish Council to consider locations for a tree to be planted to  commemorate the Jubilee. As it is the end of the season to plant a sapling, it may be better  to wait until March.  

Cllr. Carpenter suggests the community centre may be an ideal location. Cllr. Pearce to suggest the commemorative tree planting to the amenities committee 

  1. Wildlife Group update 

Cllr. Loxston informs he will be standing down as Chair of the Wildlife Group with Susan  Irvine taking on the role. Cllr. Loxston will still have an active and direct role within the group  overseeing the project, monitoring spending, reporting analysis to SCC – who awarded the  Climate emergency grant to the group, and he will continue to be the PC representative of  the sub-committee.  

Cllr. Loxston expresses Susan Irvine will do an excellent job as Chair of the group of fantastic  and enthusiastic volunteers. 

  1. St Michaels exploratory garden update (formerly the Sensory Garden) Cllr. Jefferey reports the next step is a meeting with the PCC and a Diocese representative to  discuss ideas and designs for the plans. 
  2. Churchyard update 

The Clerk reports at the last meeting it was agreed in principle the PC were ready for the  transferral of the Churchyard on clarification of the electric and water supply queries, and on  receiving the Quinquennial report. 

The Reverend raised these points with the PCC who concluded: 

*The water supply should be assigned to the PC – there are questions regarding where the  supply is fed from and who pays for it. 

*The electrical supply is usually the responsibility of the energy supplier for maintaining the  feed to the consumer unit which is located in the Church. 

*The Quinquennial report only covers the Church building; it never covers memorials as  these are technically the responsibility of the deceased persons relatives. The PCC has still  not received the report.  

The Reverend informed the report will contain nothing relevant to the Churchyard or the  transferral to the PC. 

Cllr. Hall states there is little choice other than for the PC to transfer the Churchyard from the  PCC. Cllr. Hall asks if the PC are content with the responses received. 

Cllr. Carpenter responds no – the PC could be liable for a civil debt for a water bill going  back several years. Cllr. Frost suggests a caveat is agreed that the PCC is responsible for the  water supply up to the date of a transfer should any past water bill be received. Cllr. Loxston  states it is important to establish where the source of the water supply comes from and who  pays for it. 

Cllr. Paul raises concerns about the situation being at a stalemate citing all questions should  be clarified and the Quinquennial report received before the transfer happens. A discussion ensues regarding the tap and water supply in the Churchyard. It is agreed the  following caveats are included in the transferral – 

If the tap is the responsibility of the PC, it will be capped with the water source for the  churchyard to come from a tap situated in the PC maintained Burial Ground.  Any backdated payments incurred up to the date of transfer for water usage will remain the  responsibility of the PCC. 

Anything highlighted in the Quinquennial report that is within the Churchyard remains the  responsibility of the PCC. 

The PC request a copy of the Quinquennial report once it is available. 

Once the transferral happens the PCC have no say on what happens within the Churchyard. It is agreed for Cllr. Frost to make tentative enquiries regarding the source of the water to  the tap. 

  1. Footpaths and Bridleways 

The Clerk reports the verge at Deadlands and the Bridge on PRoW L17/44 have been  reported to SCC. Issues with the bridge have been ongoing since 2021 and the Clerk will  escalate this with the SCC Bridges team. 

Cllr. Frost reports a dangerous bridge between West/Mid Lambrook which has signage  saying this is dangerous. Cllr. Loxston reports a precarious bridge near Four Winds. The Clerk requests locations for these bridges to report them via SCC. 

If you notice a public right of way such as a footpath, bridle path, restricted byways, or byways  open to all traffic this can be reported directly to Somerset County Council by the website links  below. 

If you do not have access to the internet please contact the Clerk on 07701 053 903 with an  exact location of the issue to be reported to SCC. 

  1. Floods 

The Clerk requests that as she is in the first year of the role, any considerations as we  approach the flooding season are highlighted. 

Cllr. Paul informs the local knowledge of residents, clearing drains, reporting gullies and alike  plays a significant role for flood prevention. 

Cllr. Stanton reports the SRA and EA have conducted works on the riverbanks to reduce the  risk of flooding in the past year. 

  1. Kingsbury May Festival update 

Cllr. Carpenter reports six new members have joined the committee. Work is still in the  planning stage with discussions ongoing to ascertain the scale of the event. 

  1. Cost of living crisis 

This item was discussed during public question time with the William and Mary charity  representative regarding warm hub provision. 

  1. Local Community Network consultation 

Cllr. Stanton offers an overview of the proposals included within the LCN consultation citing  it is very complexed. As Kingsbury Episcopi is a larger Parish this may be beneficial within a  LCN. Cllr. Stanton informs the responses of the consultation – which includes all 280+  Parishes in Somerset – will assist with building the final agreed proposal. What is will be important is what the LCN’s do; this will be dependent on what will happen in the first few  LCN meetings and the participation of local towns, parishes, Unitary Councillors, police, and  social, medical professions etc within the LCN. The chances are LCN’s will be assessed and modified as they develop; the same way Buckinghamshire and Cornwall are doing since  moving to a Unitary Authority. 

A discussion ensues on the impacts of having a small precepting parish within a LCN with  larger towns meaning the proposal loses the ‘local’ and ‘community’ identity. There are  concerns raised regarding the layout of the proposals and how those LCN’s will be funded,  the incorporation of additional statutory duties and the onus the proposals could have on  the voluntary sector, other organisations, and stakeholders. 

Cllr. Hall states this is a complicated matter and encourages all Parish Councillors to view the  consultation documents and complete the consultation independently. A watch in brief will  be kept as LCN proposals are developed. 

  1. Financial Matters 

The Clerk requests any inclusions for the budget and precept planning are emailed to the  Clerk within the next two weeks. 

The Clerk reports the Part 3 conclusion of the AGAR has been received from the external  auditors PKF Littlejohn. There are no issues to report. 


Mrs K de Silva  Clerk Salary – September  £388.50
Mrs K de Silva  Clerk’s expenses – 

condolence book £21.97 Bouquet and pens for  

condolence table £9.00 

Printer Ink and Minute book £43.52

OCMIS (rec) cheque 869  returned as it did not say  Limited in full – it stated ltd. Mower balance, service,  labour, overhaul to mower,  oils, filters, belts etc and  labour £3663.30 

(originally approved min.97)

SSDC  Ranger fees – August  £207.65
Susan Irvine  Re-imbursement for wildlife  group materials £20.00
Sally Brooks  Re-imbursement for wildlife  group seed mix £100.00
PKF Littlejohn  External audit  £360.00
Total  £4813.94


All were in favour for all payments to be made. 

  1. Date and Time of the next meeting 

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7.30pm at Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School With no further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 8.57pm 

Please e-mail any items for the agenda to the Clerk: by  26th October 2022. 

Kelly de Silva 

Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Clerk 

10 Bay Hill, Ilminster, Somerset. TA19 0AT. 

07701 053 903