Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th May
2022 at 7.30pm at Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School
Present – Lorraine Langford (Chair), David Hall, Nick Frost, Paul Carpenter, Peter Loxston,
Matthew Miller, Clare Paul, Pauline Warren, Mike Stanton (District Councillor), Richard
Wilkins (District Councillor)
All parish Councillors have been issued with a declaration of acceptance of office and
register of interest’s forms that are signed and returned to the Clerk, SP.
In Attendance – Sarah Potepa (Clerk), Kelly de Silva (Clerk) and ten members of the public
Public Question Time – The Chair welcomes the Councillors and members of the public with
an explanation of Parish Council meeting etiquette, fire evacuation exits and domestics.
The Chair informs that she will be standing down with the election of a new chair
commencing after public question time.
Two members of the public are present to introduce themselves as the new proprietors of
The Rose and Crown in East Lambrook. They inform the business’ aim is to be a family &
food orientated business at the heart of the community and look forward to welcoming the
public on 30th May 2022.
A member of the public wishes to ascertain why the agenda has not been published in the
noticeboards. The Clerk (SP) explains the agendas had been displayed in all four
noticeboards in the presence of the incoming Clerk (KdS) and can only conclude the agenda
was removed by someone. SP apologises for this and recommends future PC documents are
labelled “Do not remove”
Clerk to add labelling to future minutes and agendas for display
A member of the public is present from the East Lambrook Allotments to request funding for
the supply of water to the site
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
1. Election of Chair
Cllr. Miller proposes Cllr. Hall, Cllr. Frost seconds the motion. There were no other
nominations and Cllr. Hall was elected with all in favour – MOTION CARRIED.
Cllr. Hall signs the declaration of acceptance of office for Chairman and Chairs the meeting.
Cllr. Hall thanks the PC informing he will do his best for the community.
2. To receive declarations of acceptance of office and review of registration of interest
forms for all Councillors and to pass a resolution allowing absent Councillors to sign
their declarations before 1st June 2022.
The Clerk (SP) informs all paperwork has been signed and returned.
Cllr. Paul proposes to resolve the allowance for absent Councillors to sign the relevant
paperwork before 1st June 2022, Cllr. Frost seconds the motion; all in favour – MOTION
Clerk to send copies of the paperwork within 28 days of appointment to the Monitoring
Officer at SSDC
3.Apologies for absence
Cllr. Mac Harris
4. Appoint three Councillors by co-option
The Chair welcomes the members of the public who wish to stand for co-option onto the
Parish Council and explains the co-option procedure adopted by KEPC, citing there is
currently three vacancies.
Five members of the public wish to stand for co-option; Dale Spree, James Jeffery, Nick
Pearce, Tracy Burnett, and Ginine Herridge.
Cllr. Carpenter queries the process and enquires if a Casual Vacancy should be declared. The
Clerk (SP) informs that the declaration of a Casual Vacancy is not a necessity post-election.
Cllr. Miller proposes the co-option commences this evening with the candidates present. Cllr.
Loxton seconds the motion; all in favour – MOTION CARRIED.
The applicants are asked to leave the meeting room with each candidate invited back
individually to offer a synopsis of themselves. Due to GDPR and the publication of personal
information this will not be published in the public minutes.
The Chair reminds the PC they will be voting for three of the five candidates.
Cllr. Warren questions if the vote should be a show of hands or by paper ballot.
Cllr. Warren proposes a paper ballot: Cllr. Loxston seconds the motion, 3 in favour, 2 against,
1 abstained. MOTION CARRIED.
A paper ballot takes place with voting slips handed to the Clerk (SP)
The Chair declares those to be co-opted are Nick Pearce, Ginine Herridge, and James Jeffery.
The Chair thanks the candidates, offering encouragement to stand again in the future. The
Chair states all the candidates would make excellent Councillors.
The selected three sign their declarations of acceptance of office and join the meeting.
The chair wishes to briefly introduce the elected District Councillors – Mike Stanton and
Richard Wilkins to the PC. The Chair requests for future meetings, the District Councillors
submit a brief report to include within the PC meetings.
Cllr. Warren requests the reports are submitted in sufficient time before the meeting.
Cllr. Stanton expresses that as the PC meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month;
this may be difficult due to District reports are not generated until after the 1st of the month.
Clerk to add District Councillor reports the future agendas.
5. Cllrs. To sign accepting possible risks involved with receiving the monthly agenda by
email. There are no concerns raised with the Council summons and agenda being received by
6. Declarations of interest
Cllr. Carpenter declares an interest in agenda item 20 – planning application 22/01084/HOU
– as a neighbour of the applicant, and therefore will abstain from any discussion or vote.
7. Election of Vice-Chair
Cllr. Miller proposes Cllr. Frost, Cllr Paul seconds the motion. There were no other
nominations and Cllr. Frost is elected Vice-Chair with 7 in favour and 1 against – MOTION
8. Confirmation of minutes for previous meeting held on 6th April 2022
Accuracy – Cllr. Carpenter notes minor amendments for items 4, 7 and 12. The Clerk (SP)
corrects the amendments in the minute book.
Matters Arising – None
Cllr. Frost proposes the minutes are agreed and duly signed. Cllr. Paul seconds the motion;
all in favour – MOTION CARRIED.
The Chair agrees to sign the minutes on conclusion of the meeting.
9. Reaffirm General Power of Competence
The Clerk (SP) explains the eligibility criteria for adopting/re-affirming the General Power of
Competence (GoPC). (The Localism Act 2011 Part1, Ch1 Ss1-8, SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of
Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012)
The Chair recommends the information on GoPC is circulated to the PC again to include the
newly nominated and appointed Councillors with the item deferred until the next meeting.
Clerk to circulate GoPC information. Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
10. Appoint three Councillors for the cemetery sub-committee
Cllr. Miller requests a brief on the roles of the sub-committees.
The Clerk (SP) explains the roles and in-frequency of the meetings of the sub-committees
citing they are required to deal with any serious issues that arise within the associated areas.
Cemetery sub-committee
With no other nominations; it is agreed Cllrs. Loxston, Herridge and Jefferies are appointed
to the cemetery sub-committee.
11. Appoint three Councillors for the grievance and disciplinary committee
With no other nominations; it is agreed Cllrs. Frost, Pearce, and Paul are appointed to the
grievance and disciplinary committee.
12. Appoint three Councillors for the appeal panel
With no other nominations; it is agreed Cllrs. Carpenter, Loxston, and Jeffery are appointed
to the Appeal Panel.
13. Appoint a Parish Environment Warden
With no other nominations Cllr. Miller is appointed Parish Environment Warden
14. Appoint affiliated member for the amenities committee
With no other nominations Cllr. Pearce is appointed affiliated member for the amenities
15. Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) training for new and existing
The Clerk (SP) informs a link to the SALC website listing upcoming training events has been
circulated. The Clerk (SP) requests Cllrs. review the courses available and confirm any places
they wish to book.
The Chair and Cllr. Carpenter recommend attending the courses either as a newly elected
Councillor or as a refresher for those already in office.
Clerk to circulate SALC link for training events to newly co-opted Councillors
All Councillors to inform the Clerk of attendance for upcoming courses as soon as possible
16. Review and adopt Standing Orders
The Chair recommends that with a majority of new PC members, this item is deferred until
the next meeting with the policy circulated to the PC for review.
Clerk to circulate Standing Orders
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
17. Review and adopt the statement of internal statement of control, financial
regulations, and risk management
The Chair recommends that with a majority of new PC members, this item is deferred until
the next meeting with the policies circulated to the PC for review.
Clerk to circulate the policies
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
18. To review bank account: online banking and new signatories
The Clerk (SP) explains the current banking situation and that it may be advisable to consider
online banking moving forward.
The Chair enquires if there is a sufficient number of signatories at present. The Clerk (SP)
informs there is currently three signatories in office.
Clerk (KdS) to consult with SP to review current banking arrangements.
Clerk (KdS) to pursue enquiries with the bank to apply for online banking and
implementation of the required mandates
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
19. To complete the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)
The current Clerk/Responsible finance Officer (RFO) Sarah Potepa – who has completed the
annual accounts for the 2021-22 financial year – reads section 1 of the annual governance
statement 2021/22 included within the AGAR documentation.
It is the responsibility of the PC for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control,
including arrangements for the preparation of the accounting statements. The PC confirm, to
the best of their knowledge and belief, with respect to the accounting statements for the
year ended 31 March 2022 and agree ‘yes’ to all eight of the statements within the AGAR
section 1 Annual Governance Statement.
20. Planning application 22/01084/HOU – Erection of a rear extension to dwelling with
associated internal alterations at Frys Barn. West End, Kingsbury Episcopi for Mr. &
Mrs Holmes
The Chair asks if there is a quorate number of Councillors that have managed to view the
application on the SSDC planning portal.
Cllr. Miller enquires if this item should be deferred until the next meeting. The Clerk (KdS)
explains a response from a PC as a consultee is required to be submitted within 21 days of
the application arising, so this would not be possible.
Cllrs. Loxston, Warren, and Frost recommend accepting and supporting the application citing
there is no contentious content within the submission.
The Chair proposes no comment is submitted – all were in favour – MOTION CARRIED.
21. Cheques:
Mrs S Potepa £140.18 (inc. VAT) Jubilee big lunch bunting,
flags etc.
Mrs K de Silva £765.73 (inc. VAT) Purchase of PC laptop and
associated software
Mrs M Longman & Mrs A
£1,000.00 Parrett Talk Grant
SSDC £186.48 (inc. VAT) Parish Ranger fees for
March 2022
Cllr. Paul proposes all payments are made; all were in favour – MOTION CARRIED
22. Climate Emergency Grant Fund; Wildlife Group and the way forward
Cllr. Loxston informs the Wildlife group has recently met with English Nature to discuss the
introduction of appropriate bird nesting boxes on the Westmoor SSSI (Site of special
scientific interest). The nesting boxes are currently in the process of being purchased. Cllr.
Loxton informs the next Wildlife Group meeting will be held on 24th May. The Wildlife Group
meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome.
The Chair enquires the timescales for the grant being used.
Cllr. Loxston responds the PC are in receipt of the grant, with correct advice being taken
from groups such as English Nature and the RSPB including considerations for wildlife
cameras to capture data.
The Chair informs there may be time constraints on the use of the SCC Climate Emergency
Fund Grants citing unless it is used for the intended purpose soon; the PC would be required
to pay the grant back. The Chair states the Fund received a considerable amount of demand
and unallocated grants may be re-distributed by SCC.
Cllr. Loxston informs he has not been made aware of such time constraints, citing the
importance of due diligence when gathering the information and evidence before
implementation of any planned projects.
Cllr. Miller requests an email to be circulated to the PC with an oversight of the Wildlife
group and the projects planned.
Cllr. Loxston to circulate a document re: The Wildlife Group to the PC
23. Sensory Garden update
The Clerk (SP) reports the PC received a grant of £2,000 upon winning the ‘Village of the
year’ in 2018. The PC has consulted with the amenities committee to identify land suitable
for a sensory garden. The amenities committee have requested to see plans for the identified
area beyond the perimeter of a track that is planned to be installed in November 2022.
Cllr. Miller would like to raise concerns over the current proposed location of the sensory
garden citing;
The land being considered is not owned by the PC
There is a national scheme for cemeteries being implemented which could be considered as
an alternative
A peaceful quiet area next to an athletic track is not a sensory experience
Kingsbury is missing a location where dogs and owners may visit
Cllr. Miller suggests the cemetery could be designed as a sensory garden citing current plans
should not proceed now there is a newly formed PC in office.
Cllr. Paul enquires if land identified as SSDC owned assets that could be devolved to PC
ownership under the Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) may be considered as more
suitable locations for a sensory garden.
Cllr. Carpenter informs under current plans the amenities committee are willing to match
fund the investment for the project.
Cllr. Loxston expresses the amenities committee may be reluctant to have a dog area near a
playground due to the health and safety issues involved. Cllr. Loxston recommends as the
affiliated member of the amenities committee – Cllr. Pearce could consult with the
committee to ascertain their expectations.
The Chair requests Cllr. Carpenter and Cllr. Pearce consult with amenities about how this
project should move forward.
Cllr. Carpenter and Cllr. Pearce to consult with the amenities committee regarding current
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
24. Commissioners crime prevention fund: Grants available for community groups
The Chair request this grant fund information is re-circulated and deferred until the next
Clerk to circulate the information to the PC
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda
25. Speed indicator device (SID): the way forward
The Clerk (SP) currently moves the SID to various locations within the Parish and reports on
the data captured. SP offers to continue with this task after stepping down in May. The PC
thank SP for her continued assistance with the SID.
Cllr. Paul refers to the recent Speedwatch article in the Parrett Talk (issue 168) and hopes the
newly appointed PC will support the Speedwatch initiatives moving forward.
26. Churchyard update: Grant for grass cutting
The Clerk (SP) briefs the Parochial Church Committee (PCC) wish for the PC to take on the
closed churchyard. SP informs the process is currently at a stalemate due to paperwork
submissions. The PCC would like confirmation of a grant to maintain the grass cutting of the
cemetery for the sum of £300. This would cover the 2022 grass cutting costs.
Cllr. Miller proposes the £300 for grass cutting of the cemetery is granted. Cllr. Pearce
seconds the motion; all were in favour – MOTION CARRIED.
27. Lock-up update
The Clerk (SP) reports a recent adverse possession order for the lock-up has been refused by
the land registry.
Cllr. Jefferies offers assistance to gather evidence to pursue the possession order; but states
he can not offer legal advice.
The Chair asks if this is something the PC wish to pursue.
The PC agree.
Cllr. Frost recommends the Clerks SP, KdS and Cllr. Jefferey liaise to move forward with the
The Chair comments it is an iconic feature of the village and listed building that should be
28. Footpaths and Bridleways
Cllr. Warren informs of an issue on the Wyndham footpath that is currently being dealt with
by the Footpath Officer Bob Warren.
29. Highway Matters
Cllr Warren reports an issue with stones protruding onto the highway at Folly Road.
The Chair requests the standard communication is sent to the owners on behalf of the PC.
Clerk to communicate with the owners on the matter
Cllr. Warren requests the meeting is closed. The Chair closes the meeting.
Cllr. Warren and Cllr. Carpenter presents gifts to the outgoing Chair Lorraine Langford and
the outgoing Clerk Sarah Potepa thanking them for their time in their positions and
contributions to the Parish.
The Chair re-opens the meeting.
30. Date and time of the next meeting
The Chair asks the PC if they wish to convene at the same time. It is agreed to convene at the
time of 7.30pm.
Cllr. Miller requests if there is an opportunity to meet in a different location
Clerk to add the item to the next agenda.
The next Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st
June at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10pm
Please e-mail any items for the agenda to the Clerk: by
25th May 2022.
Kelly de Silva
Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Clerk
10 Bay Hill, Ilminster, Somerset. TA19 0AT.
07701 053 903