
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 1st February 2023

Past Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 12, 2023

Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council 

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 1st February 2023 at  7.30pm at Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School 

Present – Cllr. David Hall (Chairman), Cllr. Nick Frost (Vice-Chair), Cllr. Peter Loxston, Cllr.  Ginine Herridge, Cllr. Nick Pearce, Cllr. Matthew Miller, Cllr. Carol Mason, Cllr. Richard Wilkins,  (County Councillor), Cllr. Mike Stanton (District Councillor)  

In attendance – Kelly de Silva (Clerk) and three members of the public 

  1. Preliminaries 

Chairmans welcome 

Cllr. Hall welcomes the Councillors and members of the public to the meeting with an  explanation of Parish Council meeting etiquette, fire evacuation procedures and domestics.  

Apologies for absence – Cllr. Clare Paul, Cllr. Paul Carpenter, Cllr. Dale Spree 

Approve and sign minutes of the previous meeting – The minutes of the Parish Council  meeting held on Wednesday 4th January 2022 were agreed by all to be accurate and signed  by the Chairman. 

Declarations of interests and dispensations – Cllr. Miller declares an interest in planning  applications 23/00115/LBC & 23/00114/HOU and will abstain from any vote. 

Questions and comments from the public – A member of the public wishes to express gratitude to the PC for the recent attempts to resolve issues with the Gawbridge culvert.  They inform the culvert is currently working – as water levels up stream have subsided, but it  is hoped recent visits to the site attended by Parish, District and County representatives  highlight that the culvert is too small. Cllr. Stanton responds the culvert does require  remedial action due to the road also being damaged as a result of the water flow. Cllr. Frost informs the culvert has been recently cleared. 

The member of the public informs the recent New Cross road closure diversion directed  traffic through flooded roads. When this was reported to SCC Highways via the website, they  were given an unsatisfactory response. 

Cllr. Stanton informs there appears to be issues with the current SCC reporting system and  communications which is being addressed. 

Cllr. Hall reports the current state of the potholes and road surface on Burrow Hill/Lower  Burrow is in a terrible state after the recent weather.  

Cllr. Hall recommends a correspondence is drafted to SCC Highways to address the pothole  and road surface issues throughout the Parish. 

Cllr. Loxton informs he and a neighbour have reported numerous potholes near Burrow Hill  on several occasions. The contractors attend; fix one pothole, then return weeks later to  repair another – by which time the original pothole has deteriorated again – it is a most  unsatisfactory situation. 

Clerk to draft a correspondence to SCC Highways to escalate the current pothole and road  surface issues. 

  1. Planning 

23/00115/LBC & 23/00114/HOU New Cross Farmhouse, New Cross, South Petherton TA13 5HD – Installation of post mounted electric vehicle charging point. The PC agreed unanimously to support the application with no comment

1 Signed by the Chair ………………………………………………… Date………………………. 

  1. District and County Councillor reports 

Cllr. Stanton reports he and Cllr. Wilkins attended a briefing with the County Crime  Commissioner who informed there is a planned reinvigoration for community Speedwatch  initiatives. Two PCSO’s have also been newly appointed for our area. Cllr. Stanton notifies  there appears to be a serious attempt to improve community policing – but this may take  time. 

Cllr. Stanton informs there are debates and discussions ongoing with the planning  committee and how the process will change and develop once the Unitary Authority comes  into power. 

Cllr. Stanton continues the latest proposed LCN (Local Community Networks) outcomes have  been met with positive comments.  

Cllr. Wilkins reports the Council have responded to the consultation on LCN’s; proposing 18  LCNs with KE being a part of the Levels and Moors. This proposed LCN / area consists of  engaged Parishes and Towns, which could provide success for the LCN. The police have also  committed to engage with LCNs. 

Cllr. Stanton reports the central budget is in the process of being set – the budget is  currently with the scrutiny committee before being presented to the executive and full  council on 22nd February 2023. 

The Chair requests item 200 – Floods is moved up the agenda and discussed whilst the  District and County Councillors are present. All agree. 

  1. Floods 

Cllr. Hall reports recent flooding came close to being a very difficult situation. Cllr. Hall asks if  there are any comments on the performance of the associated authorities and what issues  have been identified that may have arisen. 

Cllr. Stanton responds although water levels came close to the 2014 floods, there was  considerably less total rainfall than during the floods of 2014. The river Tone levels were high  before the rain, influencing the river Parrett and moor storage. The work completed by the  SRA over the last nine years has played dividends to prevent flooding of properties.. A huge  amount of work has been done since 2014 to improve and mitigate the impact of flooding in  the area. 

Cllr. Hall informs the reported broken flood gates towards Muchelney have been replaced. Cllr. Hall makes an observation that the general consensus is the EA (Environment Agency)  were caught up in far too much bureaucracy when the pumps should have been deployed.  

Cllr. Hall suggests trigger points and break points should be reviewed and requests the PC is  kept informed of any outcomes from the post flood analysis. 

  1. Local Community Networks 

Item discussed during Minute 185 

  1. Parish Council casual vacancy update 

The Clerk informs the Electoral Officer has informed no election has been requested. The PC  may now proceed with the co-option process. 

Are you passionate about your community? Could you spare a few hours a week for  the benefit of your village? If so, your council needs you! For further information or an  application form please email the Clerk at: 

  1. Review of PC meeting location change 

Cllr. Hall enquires if there is a desire to move the current location of the PC meetings.  Cllr. Pearce reports the community centre have offered use of their facility, but the centre is  unavailable on the current meeting dates.  

Cllr. Miller expresses the PC should aim to convene in the best available space which is  accessible and comfortable to all.

2 Signed by the Chair ………………………………………………… Date………………………. 

A discussion ensues on the financial implications to the community centre being able to offer  a consistent, suitable, and available space at no cost to the PC. Cllr. Loxston informs in the  current economic climate, the PC meeting location should only change if the location  incurred no hire fees – like the current location. 

It is agreed to contact the Community Centre to assess availability for a minimum of a 1-year tenure for Parish Council meetings. 

Cllr. Hall states no immediate decision should be made until all tentative enquiries have been  actioned properly. 

Clerk to contact the community centre 

Clerk to check with District and County Councillors availability for a possible change in date. 

  1. Annual Parish Meeting (Date, Location and Guest speaker) 

The Clerk informs the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is a statutory meeting which must be  held between 1st March and 1st June. A date, location and meeting content should be agreed. The Clerk suggests the meeting date could be Tuesday 18th or Thursday 20th April. The  meeting could comprise of a Chairmans report, presented reports from nominated local  groups who have received PC grants, written reports from local groups which can be made available to the community, and a guest speaker followed by a glass of wine and a chance to  speak to the Parish Councillors. 

Cllr. Hall recommends the Community Centre could be an ideal location to assess the  suitability as a long-term PC meeting location. 

Clerk to liaise with the Community Centre on availability 

Cllr. Hall enquires if a guest speaker should be considered.  

Cllr. Miller suggests a representative from the EA who could offer an insight into the flood  management – which is a concern for residents of the community. 

Clerk to make enquiries for a guest speaker. 

  1. Kings Coronation 

The Clerk informs there are no plans for a PC organised event. There is a small budget of  £500 for local groups to apply for a grant for local public events. This will be publicised on  the website and in the Parrett Talk. 

Are you a considering holding a public event for the community to celebrate the Kings  Coronation?  

The PC has £500 worth of small grants available for community celebrations. For more  information and a grant application form please contact the Clerk via email or 

  1. Digital Communications / Parish Council Website 

Cllr. Hall commends the work completed by Cllr. Miller and Cllr. Herridge on the  development of the new Parish Council website. 

Cllr. Miller reports the site is now live. An article advertising the launch will be published in  the next edition of the Parrett Talk with posters displayed in the noticeboards. Cllr. Hall encourages PC members to activate the new email addresses and send profiles and  pictures for inclusion on the site to Cllr. Herridge. 

You can now visit the new PC website at to view minutes,  agendas, and information relating to the Parish. If you are a local group, organising an event,  or have information you wish to publish on the website please contact the Clerk at or 

  1. Wildlife Group update 

Cllr. Loxston reports the group held a nest box building and wildlife workshop 28/01/23  which was attended by over sixty people. The feedback of the event has been very positive, and it has created awareness for the wildlife and to ensure biodiversity within the Parish. 

3 Signed by the Chair ………………………………………………… Date………………………. 

Donations were gratefully received at the event which will be utilised to assist with funding  further events. 

Cllr. Loxston informs the group are in the process of obtaining insurance quotes separate to  the PC liability insurance. A meeting will be held in the coming weeks to discuss next steps  and workshops. 

  1. St Martins Church / Exploratory Garden update 

Cllr. Miller informs there is an upcoming PCC meeting. 

Cllr. Miller reports the PCC have addressed the points raised by the PC with regards to  transferral of the closed cemetery to the PC. The PCC have been clear on their position. The  quinquennial report is outstanding, but the PCC assure this will have no impact on the  curtilage or transferral. If the PC do not accept responsibility for the churchyard, then it could  be handed to the District Council.  

Cllr. Hall informs the PC have a duty of care on behalf of the Parish and there is a  requirement the PC is convinced it has fulfilled this duty before transferring the churchyard.  Cllr. Hall continues the District and County Council would have comparable questions prior  to transferral. Cllr. Frost states the PC have an obligation to take on the Churchyard from the  PCC. 

Cllr. Loxston requests an update on the water pipe citing implications which may arise from  this could be important. Cllr. Frost informs if it is the responsibility of the PC, the PC would  reserve the right to cut off the pipe. 

Cllr. Hall proposes the paperwork is arranged with the PCC for the transferral of the  Churchyard, Cllr. Miller seconds the motion; all in favour. MOTION CARRIED. Clerk to liaise with Cllr. Miller and Reverend Fillery with regards to the paperwork required  for the transferral. 

  1. Lock Up update 

Cllr. Miller reports all the paperwork for the acquisition has been submitted to the land  registry. There is no expected timeline response from the registry.  

Cllr. Hall expresses gratitude to former Councillor James Jefferey for his work on this. 

  1. SID update 

SP informs the SID recently had an issue with retrieving the data, but this has now been  rectified. The SID has been placed on the Thorney Road recording a majority of vehicles  travelling between 30-40mph. 

  1. Footpaths and Bridleways 

The Clerk reports a communication was received from the SCC Rights of Way Bridge Warden  informing works to upgrade the unsafe bridge and ramps on L17/44 was due to commence  on 16th January with the landowner kindly allowing access to contractors. The Clerk is unsure  if the recent flooding impacted the planned works schedule. The Clerk has received no  update on the Bridge on 17/55. 

Cllr. Hall refers to the proposed letter of concern discussed during the public questions  regarding the pothole situation throughout the Parish and asks if all members agree to the  Clerk raising the issue with Highways. All agree.  

  1. Highways matters 

Cllr. Loxston reports the amount of ice and the treacherous condition of the road around  Burrow Hill during the recent wintry weather was unacceptable. Cllr. Loxston informs there is  a grit salt box at the top of the hill but another box should be considered half way along the  hill. There is run off from the field and a underground spring which exasperates the situation  with insufficient drainage at the bottom of the hill via official drainage and the ditch. Cllr. Miller requests the issues raised with SCC contractors is included within the  correspondence as the current repair works are not of an adequate standard.

4 Signed by the Chair ………………………………………………… Date………………………. 

Cllr. Herridge enquires if the Parish could be included on the grit spreading schedule. The  Clerk informs the schedules for gritting are decided in June by SCC. The Clerk can request  this – but there are central budget limitations with very few rural villages and bus routes  being gritted sufficiently. 

The Clerk informs the potholes on Lower Burrow have been reported – but no responses or  updates on the reporting site have been received. 

Clerk to include the issue raised by Cllr. Loxston and Cllr. Miller in the correspondence to SCC  Highways. 

  1. Kingsbury May festival update 

Nothing to report 

  1. Neighbourhood plan 

Nothing to report 

  1. Financial matters 

The Clerk reports there are still ongoing issues with Natwest regarding setting up on line  banking and updating the mandate. This has been acknowledged by Natwest by offering the  PC £200 by way of an apology for all the time, effort and frustration that has been invested  into this over the past 8 months.  

The Clerk has now made tentative enquiries with Lloyd’s bank to set up a treasurers account  as the current situation is no longer tenable.  


Mrs K de Silva  Clerk salary – January  £418.50
Mrs K de Silva  Clerks’ expenses- Printer Ink,  stamps, A4 postage £25.05
Mrs S A Brooks 

Chq. 891 declined by the  bank – possible misspell of  name

Annual Burial Ground  


(Authorised minute 159)

SSDC  Parish Ranger December  £103.82
B. White  Wildlife Group – re 

imbursement for materials

Total  £2170.41


  1. Other items for discussion 

Cllr. Mason enquires about the precept allocation to local groups. Cllr. Mason asks if the  groups can be encouraged to lessen the requirement of the grants from the PC. The Clerk informs this has happened with certain grants which have decreased over the years. Cllr. Hall informs the groups are required to apply via the PC grant policy with the  submission of their financial details and how the grants will be used as part of the process. Cllr. Hall states the PC has a duty to support as many services and facilities as possible whilst making the precept go as far as possible. 

The Clerk informs those groups who have received PC grants will be requested to supply a  report for the APM on how the grant has been used which will be available to the  community. 

  1. Date and Time of the next meeting 

Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7.30 pm at Kingsbury Episcopi Primary School With no further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 9.04pm 

Please e-mail any items for the agenda to the Clerk: or 

Kelly de Silva Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Clerk. 10 Bay Hill, Ilminster, Somerset. TA19 0AT. 07701 053 903.

5 Signed by the Chair ………………………………………………… Date……………………….